Ernest Hemingway

1Add to wishlist.A Farewell to Arms192960.66
2Add to wishlist.The Sun Also Rises192658.75
3Add to wishlist.In Our Time192549.05
4Add to wishlist.The Old Man and the Sea195248.61
5Add to wishlist.For Whom the Bell Tolls194047.30
6Add to wishlist.Across the River and into the Trees195030.37
7Add to wishlist.To Have and Have Not193728.70
8Add to wishlist.The Garden of Eden198627.46
9Add to wishlist.Islands in the Stream197023.18
10Add to wishlist.Men without Women192719.84
11Add to wishlist.The Torrents of Spring192618.57
12Add to wishlist.Winner Take Nothing193314.28
13Add to wishlist.Three Stories and Ten Poems192311.48
14Add to wishlist.The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories19389.96
15Add to wishlist.The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories19619.79


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N-gram Frequency Correction.

Titles consisting of words or phrases that are exceedingly common in the English language corpus (such as Stephen King's It or Joyce Carol Oates's them) tend to be overrepresented in search results, thus resulting in an artificially inflated citation count. To counteract this tendency, Metacanon adjusts the scores for these works accordingly. Scores subjected to n-gram frequency correction are estimates only and are marked with an asterisk. N-gram frequencies are drawn from the Corpus of Contemporary American English.

We apply a slightly different n-gram frequency correction to New York Times citation counts. These are marked with a dagger, where applicable.


Non-unique author Correction.

Books by authors with a non-unique name (for example "Winston Churchill," the American novelist) tend to be overrepresented in search results, thus resulting in an artificially inflated citation count. To counteract this tendency, Metacanon adjusts the scores for these works accordingly. Scores subjected to non-unique author correction are estimates only and are marked with a double dagger.


Gender: male
Born: ?